Hello! cream granny square illustration rose granny square illustration blush granny square illustration cocoa granny square illustration mint granny square illustration

I’m Molly Dalik Armstrong.
Welcome to Calico Star Studio!

I am a graphic designer, illustrator, textile artist and all-around crafty person who adores all things vintage and colorful. My design specialties are illustration, layouts, and branding, and I absolutely love playing with type and color palettes. My favorite items to photograph are products - especially textiles! I have a general understanding of HTML and CSS and enjoy the design and layout aspects of creating a website.

My style is whimsical, colorful, artsy, cozy, soft, & vintage-inspired. My designs are influenced by retro colors, children’s books, folk art, fairy tales, and antique textiles. I’m an old soul and I am passionate about finding imaginative ways to recreate traditional styles in my work. As a perfectionist, I pay close attention to details and pour everything I have into each project I create.

Fun Facts:

  1. I love sewing, crocheting, quilting, drawing, writing, and being creative. Expeditions to the fabric or craft store make me ridiculously excited!
  2. I adore all things vintage and flowery and enjoy perusing antique stores and flea markets.
  3. When I’m not designing, you can usually find me curled up in my natural habitat: a quiet cozy nook, tangled up in yarn or covered in fabric scraps and watching period dramas or romantic comedies.
    I’m an introvert, but I can’t wait to meet you!

Behind the Name:

Stars have several special meanings to me. The Irish meaning of my name (Molly) is “Star of the Sea.” I am always drawn to calico fabric when working on textile & design projects, and I love vintage star quilts.

“He counts the stars and calls them all by name.” 
~ Psalm 147:4

Molly of Calico Star Studio Tabby & Tiger Collage
Cloaked Illustration

Let’s Work Together!

  • Region: Mid-Atlantic, United States
  • I am mainly available for freelance or part-time work,
    but I am open to full-time positions as well!
  • Hours: Monday-Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM EST.
  • I will reply to you within 1-3 business days.
  • Click the document icon to view my resume.
  • Click the envelope to say hello!
my resume
say hello!