Welcome to Textiles & Crafts!

I love making blankets to fill my home with cozy warmth. Each blanket is like a flat canvas - an excellent playground for showcasing a variety of stitches and yarns and for arranging patchwork squares. Other projects I enjoy working on include jewelry, hats, scarves, and accessories. I absolutely love working with granny squares, patchwork motifs, and bold colors to add a vintage touch to my projects. Someday I would love to design my own patterns!
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Chunky Autumn Beanie
Granny Squares
Handspun Wool
Stashbuster Granny Square Blanket
Stashbuster Granny Square Blanket
Stashbuster Granny Square Blanket - Cozy Nook
Spicier Life Textures (Pattern by Cherry Heart)
River V-Stitch Blanket (Stitch Pattern by Le Monde de Sucrette)
River V-Stitch Blanket (Stitch Pattern by Le Monde de Sucrette)
River V-Stitch Blanket (Stitch Pattern by Le Monde de Sucrette)
River V-Stitch Blanket (Stitch Pattern by Le Monde de Sucrette)
River V-Stitch Blanket (Stitch Pattern by Le Monde de Sucrette)
Granny Square Embroidered Tablet Case
Granny Square Embroidered Tablet Case
Granny Square Embroidered Tablet Case
Granny Square Embroidered Tablet Case (Embroidered Details)
Seven Sisters Star Quilt Piecing (Pattern by Mary Elizabeth Johnson)
Seven Sisters Star Quilt Blocks (Pattern by Mary Elizabeth Johnson)
Eager Hands
A Spicier Life Blanket (Pattern by Cherry Heart)
A Spicier Life Blanket (Pattern by Cherry Heart
A Spicier Life Blanket (Pattern by Cherry Heart
A Spicier Life Blanket (Pattern by Cherry Heart)
A Spicier Life Blanket (Pattern by Cherry Heart
A Spicier Life Blanket (Pattern by Cherry Heart